Thursday, July 19, 2018

..Dismisal of the Military Industrial Complex... or not

--Military is an Engine of Capitalism.
It may or may not be the most "efficient".. I attempted to find unbiased report.... for or against...yet to find. 

Direct numbers of the ecconomics aside....

 Without the military and the secondary, tertiary, quaternary spending et al.. the U.S. would collapse for a number of years...(I predict a more than a decade) before recovering to a new ecconomy.  It would not change the disparity between individuals-- it would resemble the crash of the great depression.  The hearty bourgeoisie would still thrive and the proletariat
Class would increase.
The insular nature of Americans as a whole, would overwhelm those technocrats who would otherwise be the driving force of the "renaissance".

Would the U.S. / World be better without the countinued escalationism of Domestic and Foreign Militaries?  Probably...

You forget the one variable that will always prevent... the near immutable "human Condition"

We may esotericaly strive for betterment... but our base nature.... aspiration, conflict, competition....mortality will always prevent us from the transcendent utopia that socialists espouse.

Socialism 101

what "socialists" fail to remember, is that someone still has to pay ... There must be the rich (economic disparity) to fund the programs.  200 Million people working for base wage cannot provide the influx of cashflow to the government to provide social services to the other 100 million.
Or are they thinking that the human condition developed over thousands of years, will be eradicated by one election- and pure altruism will prevail.... 

Hmmmmm sounds like a Disney plot.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I get the anti-prohibition deal, congrats to you.  On a cerebral level, I get it.  In practice, I believe smokers have more battles ahead.

I have some serious questions.   If pot is to be treated like alcohol, how do employers prevent users from coming to work under the influence? We all know that THC is stored in the body for quite some time.  Alcohol flushes quickly.  I would suggest that pot smoked the night before is still active in ones system  12 hours later.  

If I was an employer, I would be hard pressed not to maintain zero tolerance.  It's hard enough not to have people at work drunk or hung over without having to deal with stoned/ half stoned individuals.
I would argue that employers should / will have to bear the burden of  1. Setting THC levels  2. Incur the cost of testing.
I would presume employment and random drug screening would have to increase at the employers expense.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

there are many issues that are being tossed arround to take the heat off the economy. Regarding reproductive rights, religion etc.. Neither candidate's personal agenda should come into play... I am sick of the veiled fascism that both parties preach.  Leave the battles for babies and the modern day crusades to the individuals.. Do not try to legislate or govern.  The government should be there to look out for the saftey of the nation
 Keep our military and borders strong. Maintain and advance our infrastructure, Monitor/ create  global trade, develop an energy policy that works. There is plenty for Washington to do without meddling in the lives of private citizens

Monday, October 17, 2011

Response to The "Occupy" movement

I am Glad to see people thinking- It is each persons responsibility to do so- We have enough 4 legged sheep without increasing their numbers with the two legged variety. I am not the voice of this crowd- nor do I really believe in some of the rhetoric. Here are my two cents.

Equality- It is a admirable thing to quest for, however it will always elude us. It is not in our nature to truly live equal. We may have been created equal-- but once we draw our 1st breath..our differences drive us. Economic disparity, social inequity, religious beliefs, sickness,geography...the list in infinite. We each need to live in accordance with our own abilities and our own means- however unfair that that seems- no one owes anyone anything... ever. What people give of their own free will is another issue. If one keeps their expectations at this level- a happy life you will have.

(I am a HS grad-- barely, a veteran, no college Yet I have raised kids owned three homes (2 of which over $100,000 ) Owned over $200,000 dollars of vehicles. I've been divorced, paid child support. I have been bankrupt. I have come back swinging. I have had all these things by working. I am fortunate enough to earn a decent living in a profession that is not factory or assembly work - I have no formal training -- I have trained myself. I have worked at fast food, convenience stores, sold sporting goods, photographer, sold shoes, bartender, have been a handyman, a CNA, a phlebotomist, electronics and computers. Quite often I did these jobs two or three at a time.. the list goes on-- you get it-- right now I am up-- I could be back down-- big deal- that's life.

The government,banks, churches are not responsible for our happiness or our successes-
Protest!! it helps!.. but when the day is done... and the signs are put away.. remember-- you can shout strong words-- but change only comes through actions!! I can look at myself in the mirror and say--I have put it into action.

For those That are truly unable to work (health, injuries or age) I bow my head with respect and have no venom for you. Carry on-- because I know I will-- and I will be there to help you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There are two things that I want you to make up your minds to: first, that you are going to have a good time as long as you live - I have no use for the sour-faced man - and next, that you are going to do something worthwhile, that you are going to work hard and do the things you set out to do."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baruch Spinoza

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings." - Albert Einstein