Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I get the anti-prohibition deal, congrats to you.  On a cerebral level, I get it.  In practice, I believe smokers have more battles ahead.

I have some serious questions.   If pot is to be treated like alcohol, how do employers prevent users from coming to work under the influence? We all know that THC is stored in the body for quite some time.  Alcohol flushes quickly.  I would suggest that pot smoked the night before is still active in ones system  12 hours later.  

If I was an employer, I would be hard pressed not to maintain zero tolerance.  It's hard enough not to have people at work drunk or hung over without having to deal with stoned/ half stoned individuals.
I would argue that employers should / will have to bear the burden of  1. Setting THC levels  2. Incur the cost of testing.
I would presume employment and random drug screening would have to increase at the employers expense.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

there are many issues that are being tossed arround to take the heat off the economy. Regarding reproductive rights, religion etc.. Neither candidate's personal agenda should come into play... I am sick of the veiled fascism that both parties preach.  Leave the battles for babies and the modern day crusades to the individuals.. Do not try to legislate or govern.  The government should be there to look out for the saftey of the nation
 Keep our military and borders strong. Maintain and advance our infrastructure, Monitor/ create  global trade, develop an energy policy that works. There is plenty for Washington to do without meddling in the lives of private citizens